Robin Gierse
Linux Enthusiast


Today I enjoyed

Lady Bird

2 min read
Today I enjoyed: Lady Bird. Lady Bird is a beautiful - both cinematically and story-wise - coming of age story. The young Christine "Lady Bird&qu...
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Today I enjoyed

The Three-Body Problem

2 min read
Today I enjoyed: The Three-Body Problem by Liu Cixin. To be perfectly honest: I never heard about this novel until I saw the Netflix adaptation just a...
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Today I enjoyed

Baby Reindeer

2 min read
Today I enjoyed: Baby Reindeer. And let me tell you: This is a weird one. Good. Intense. Unsettling. Utterly weird. And on top of that: It is based on...
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Today I learned

How to get rid of the games on Netflix

2 min read
Today I learned: How to get rid of the annoying games on Netflix (in the browser). You might have noticed, that Netflix blessed us with a new feature...
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Today I enjoyed

Oxygen by Andreas Brandhorst

1 min read
Today I enjoyed: Oxygen by Andreas Brandhorst. The premise is rather simple: Earth runs out of oxygen. That's it. Simple, powerful, terrifying even. I...
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Linux Distributors favoring Flatpak and Snap over native Packages

5 min read
I am not sure who started this trend, but I am very sure, how I feel about it: Not great! I have seen both Ubuntu and Fedora do it and maybe other dis...
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Today I enjoyed


2 min read
Today I enjoyed: Voyagers. Voyagers has an interesting premise: Earth is dying (this is not the interesting part), so a multi-generation mission is se...
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Today I learned

Create TAR Archive with only Directory Contents

2 min read
Today I learned: How to create a TAR archive of only the contents of a directory, without the directory or the path itself. And this stackoverflow ans...
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2 min read
Today I just have a quick rant: Paramount+, why U no work?! Okay, let's take a step back: I got access to Paramount+ when it launched in Germany for f...
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Today I enjoyed

A Million Miles Away

2 min read
Today I enjoyed: A Million Miles Away. A Million Miles Away is not your average sci-fi movie. It does not have the amazing CGI images and blockbuster...
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