Robin Gierse
Space Nerd

Today I enjoyed

The Three-Body Problem

2 min read

Today I enjoyed: The Three-Body Problem by Liu Cixin.

To be perfectly honest: I never heard about this novel until I saw the Netflix adaptation just a few weeks back. But after I watched and liked it, I was curious about the source material.

So the other day I treated myself to the full Remembrance of Earth's Past trilogy to get started on the first book.

To be fair, I knew the story already from the TV show, so there were no real twists for me and I recognized plot elements the moment they appeared. So I will not dive into the plot, and I gave an outline of the topics and themes the story deals with in my blog post about the show a few weeks back. In this short post I just want to say, that I very much enjoyed the book, even knowing the story already. It is a very well written book, and it certainly added depth to the serialized story, as well as some different perspectives on the whole universe. One small spoiler: We get to know the Trisolarian society at least a bit better than in the show.

Overall I can highly recommend this science fiction book! It feels like something new and fresh, a story I have never heard before, carrying some deep thoughts and ideas. I am very much looking forward to reading the second and third part.