Robin Gierse
Linux Enthusiast



Did you know ...?

1 min read
Introducing the trivia category: Everybody at least likes trivia. Sometimes it can be annoying if somebody keeps interrupting you with 'Did you know...
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Today I learned

Install GrapheneOS as root

2 min read
Today I learned: Installing GrapheneOS works best as root. What seemed to be the problem? I wanted to install GrapheneOS on my new Pixel phone. Their...
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Today I learned

Safe Eyes

2 min read
Today I learned: About Safe Eyes. I actually have been using it for half a year now and while it gets annoying from time to time, I still like the ide...
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You know what really grids my gears?

1 min read
Introducing my rant category: From time to time one just has to vent, right? There are things going down in life, that you just cannot accept without...
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Today I enjoyed

Ready Player One

2 min read
Today I enjoyed: Ready Player One. Well yesterday to be honest, and it was not the first time mind you. Ready Player One is a splendid piece of modern...
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Today I learned

How to fix a Thunderbird Lightning CalDAV synchronization issue

2 min read
Today I learned: How to fix a synchronization issue with Thunderbird Lightning (calendar and tasks). What was the problem? I upgraded my laptop to Fed...
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Today I learned


2 min read
Today I learned: About LanguageTool. Well actually I am using LanguageTool for a year now, but I am absolutely thrilled by it. What does it do? Langua...
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Today I learned

How to use BorgBackup with

4 min read
Today I learned: How to use BorgBackup with Actually I learned two ways to do it, but will focus on the usage of Borg through Vorta, becaus...
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Checkmk Conference 8

2 min read
Disclaimer: I work for tribe29 the company behind Checkmk. But I am writing this in my free time out of personal motivation. So last week the 8th inst...
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Today I enjoyed

Everything Everywhere All at Once

2 min read
Today I enjoyed: Everything Everywhere All at Once. And I am at a loss of words. Seems kind of pointless to write a blog post then, you might think. B...
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