Robin Gierse
Linux Enthusiast



Today I learned

How to get rid of the games on Netflix

2 min read
Today I learned: How to get rid of the annoying games on Netflix (in the browser). You might have noticed, that Netflix blessed us with a new feature...
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Today I learned

Create TAR Archive with only Directory Contents

2 min read
Today I learned: How to create a TAR archive of only the contents of a directory, without the directory or the path itself. And this stackoverflow ans...
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Today I learned

Fine-tune Tracker3 on Laptops

2 min read
Today I learned: How to fine-tune Tracker3 on Laptops. From the project's page: Tracker is an efficient search engine and distributed database for des...
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SpaceX Starship Integrated Flight Tests (IFTs)

3 min read
Today I want to follow up on my rant about the way this article reported on Starship's Integrated Flight Test 3. If you are not following the topic cl...
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Today I learned


2 min read
Today I learned: How to set up self-hosted using Docker and Apache2 as a reverse proxy. What does do? is a push notification s...
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Today I learned

How to limit ZFS Memory Usage on Proxmox

2 min read
Today I learned: How to limit ZFS memory usage on Proxmox. What was the problem? The Proxmox documentation explains: ZFS uses 50 % of the host memory...
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Today I learned

Broken Joplin Flatpak due to Runtime Update

2 min read
Today I learned: The Joplin flatpak is broken due to a runtime upgrade of org.freedesktop.Platform. What seemed to be the problem? Yesterday I realiz...
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Today I learned

Broken Collabora Container causes Nextcloud Timeouts

3 min read
Today I learned: A broken Collabora Container can cause arbitrary timeouts in Nextcloud. What seemed to be the problem? I was working on my Nextcloud...
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Today I learned

The fall of an admin

2 min read
Today I learned: About the fall of an admin. What happened? A coworker shared this story and it touched me. The story is told very quickly: An admin,...
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Today I learned


2 min read
Today I learned: About Topgrade. I actually have been using it for roughly a year now, and it gets better and better. What does it do? Quite frankly,...
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