Robin Gierse
Space Nerd




Did you know ...?

1 min read
Introducing the trivia category: Everybody at least likes trivia. Sometimes it can be annoying if somebody keeps interrupting you with 'Did you know...
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You know what really grids my gears?

1 min read
Introducing my rant category: From time to time one just has to vent, right? There are things going down in life, that you just cannot accept without...
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Today I learned how not to

1 min read
So I introduced til to this blog the other day. Talking about success is easy, but how about failures? Well I am not gonna deceive here, I fail too....
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Words of appreciation

Honor to whom honor is due

1 min read
This website is now online for some time and I just recently started my own blog in here. For the more tech-savvy of you it might be obvious, that thi...
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Today I enjoyed

1 min read
Today I enjoyed, or tie is my corner of this blog on movies, series, books and overall media. There might even be a little poetry slam somewhere in h...
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Today I learned

1 min read
Introducing: Today I learned (til). This category will be mainly about bits and pieces I picked up on my journeys through the internet and the world....
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Hello World

Every journey begins with a single step

1 min read
Well, this is it. Tada! My very own blog. I thought about starting my own blog for years now, but I always figured: "You will never follow throug...
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