Robin Gierse
Inline Skater

Words of appreciation

Honor to whom honor is due

1 min read

This website is now online for some time and I just recently started my own blog in here. For the more tech-savvy of you it might be obvious, that this website is not using an off the shelf solution like WordPress, Drupal or Joomla.

In fact everything you see around here is the work of my very dear friend Marc Reichel, who worked tirelessly to create this wonderful website and blog. And the best part: I did not even need to throw a bunch of requirements at him, quite the opposite: I told him, that I was thinking about ditching my old WordPress based website, as the setup was just over the top for this little portfolio of mine. So he offered to whip something up, and before I knew it, over 90% of what you see was done. He looked at what I had before, asked a few questions and that was all I needed to provide.

Thanks mate, I really appreciate your work!

If you are thinking about acquiring some kind of web presence yourself, make sure to check him out over at!