Robin Gierse
Linux Enthusiast




The Space Coast

5 min read
It was not so long ago, that I talked about my trip to SpaceX's Starbase, but I got one more for you dear reader: The world-famous Space Coast! Just a...
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SpaceX Starship Integrated Flight Tests (IFTs)

3 min read
Today I want to follow up on my rant about the way this article reported on Starship's Integrated Flight Test 3. If you are not following the topic cl...
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German News Report on Starship IFT-3

3 min read
Today I just have a quick rant: The way this article reporting on Starship's Integrated Flight Test 3. The German news outlet "Tagesschau" r...
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Gateway to Mars

SpaceX's Starbase

6 min read
I rarely write about trips or journeys I make, and it will stay like that. Even if this blog has no concept, it is certainly not a travel blog! But ev...
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