Robin Gierse
Linux Enthusiast


Checkmk Conference 8

2 min read

Disclaimer: I work for tribe29 the company behind Checkmk. But I am writing this in my free time out of personal motivation.

So last week the 8th installation of the annual [Checkmk conference] ( took place in Munich, at the Paulaner Nockherberg to be precise.

It was my first time as a tribe29 employee, my second time on site and the third time attending overall. My first time was in 2019 in Munich, as a customer then. In early 2021 I attended the second online edition virtually and in the end of the year I joined tribe29.

This year I was able to attend the first hybrid conference, meaning that the event took place in person in Munich, but there was a live stream for those, that could not attend physically. And let me tell you, I had a blast! The event was organized amazingly, everything worked out and everyone was happy with the experience. There was a lot of positive feedback regarding all aspects of the event. What was new for me, compared to the former years, was that members of the community, as well as customers and partners approached me and I got to meet a bunch of awesome people, that I only knew digitally before. It is really nice putting a face to a username or a voice to an avatar. On top, I got to meet a lot of my colleagues, both from my team and throughout the whole company for the very first time in person. I work completely remote, so it is no wonder, that I have not met many of them physically, but still it was quite lovely to shake hands with (or rather fist bump) people you feel like you know for quite some time now.

Thanks to everyone who attended and made the conference an amazing experience! Thanks to my colleagues for an awesome time in Munich and great experiences. And last but not least, a huge shout out thanks to the awesome people who made this event possible and carried it on their shoulders!

I hope to see everyone and more next year!